Lifebly is an open reading space on poetry, stories and blog articles originally written by Vander, real name is Vania. I go by Vander to pen poetry and short stories all the time :) There is plenty to read, to inspire and to discover about the life you live in, through this little literary cave. What’s there not to love about stories?
Find my poetry and fiction.. so DH Lawrence is spot on in that poetry is language used for its deepest and most accurate purposes. Absolutely where precision of word descriptions at every thought and expression is a gift (which maybe I do possess lol). Now, there is another Emily Dickinson. Based in Singapore, I’m known as the messy Vander (real name’s Vania!). My desk is a complete chaos because I usually have clutter I can’t always put away. You can recognise me as a writer/designer having too many passions including writing and designing (duhhh) which includes anything about storytelling, media, lifestyle, culture, and helping people. I’m a simple girl who likes to go by the mantra that Angela Duckworth’s grit of passion and perseverance exhorts a bastion canon of not giving up until the very, very last. Boundless in curiosity, I am obviously searching the spoken and unspoken for allegory and augury.
© 2015 Lifebly