We are all lonely and suffering. In some way or many ways, somehow. Some people have many coping methods and supportive networks that made it work better for them, so they don’t feel the weight so much on their shoulders. Others that are not so lucky, probably live like pain lasts forever.
Look, I know how it feels to want to end things in your supposed end game, when MISERY is straight up THE ONLY BLESSING you likely have. That emotion is so deeply etched in your head and heart right now, you can’t ever shake it off and everything else just doesn’t seem like you could go on.
Spending long hours hooked up on the online toilet (the dark side, I call it) can make you feel so small and unloved. Bear in mind, you don’t have time to lose yourself in there. You only have one life to live, and that is yours to own. Be yourself, before anybody else.